I love kids with a passion, have you thought of a way to make the babies always smilling, and not silent babies, incase you don't know what silent babies mean, 'silent babies' these are babies that don't smile or have some reflex ailment, on the contrary, its lovely to see the baby always happy and full of life.Follow me as I unveil useful tips on how to be meticulous about these signs in your baby.
Babies and infants are one of the most precious gifts that God can
give us. These newborns are symbols of life, which can bring us the hope
and as well as inspiration. Seeing the cute smiles and the mesmerizing eyes
of babies can effectively make us feel happy and worry-free. However,
babies are not excluded from all the unfortunate things that life also
offers. These things include health problems and/or illnesses. If truth
be told, babies are even more prone to these health deviations since
their immune defenses are not yet well developed or matured. This makes
them very susceptible to having disorders and infections. One of the
most haunting problems that parent hates to see their child
suffer is the silent reflux. Some of us may be unaware of what this
condition is; however, silent reflux has already placed the life of many
babies at risk. Because of this, it is very important for us,
especially the parents, to know more about this condition as well as the
different silent reflux symptoms in babies to watch out for.
Silent reflux is a common ailment among babies which is characterized
by the inability to vomit or expel their vomitus from the body. Some
babies usually swallow back the stomach contents after refluxing. Other
babies may even have the gastric contents up to the esophagus, but isn’t
able to reach the mouth or the throat. Once this occurs, aggravation or
complication in children or infants can happen such as the
oesophagitus. Although it is very hard to distinguish this problem from
other illnesses or diseases,
it is still very helpful for us to learn how to identify this silent
reflex by knowing the different signs and symptoms that could help us
point to the direction of silent reflux.
Silent reflux is common among children that are aged younger than 12
to 15 months old. Some babies even outgrow this as they come to pass
that age range. However, it is still important for us to identify some
of the symptoms in order for us to seek immediate helps from our doctors
once silent reflux is suspected. Below are some of the signs and
symptoms that can show or indicate the said reflux problem.
• Repeated projectile vomiting or vomiting with great force.
• Abdominal distention
• Excessive crying that does not stop
• Vomiting of bile (green colored vomitus)
• Severe constipation
• Black or dark stools that are sometimes bloody
• Vomiting of blood
• Lethargy or excessive sleeping
• Refusal to eat or loss of appetite
• High temperature or fever
• Unexplained weight loss or weight gain
• Choking signs or blue spells (babies become cyanotic, blue in color, due to lack of oxygen)
• Irritable during feeding or regurgitation.
• Food vomiting several hours after eating
• New onset of vomiting post 6 months of age
These are just some of the common symptoms or indications that could
be associated with the silent reflux problem among children and babies.
It is very necessary for us to get acquainted with these symptoms in
order for us to provide immediate medical treatment and advice and as
well as prevent complication.
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